Thursday, December 17, 2009

O Sapientia

O Wisdom, O holy Word of God's mouth, you govern all creation with your strong yet tender care. Come, and teach us all the ways that lead to life.

When Mike and I were engaged, we decided not to do the traditional pre-cana classes the Catholic Church has you do before you get married. We did it in one shot--an Engaged Encounter weekend. While most of it was old hat for us, since we'd been friends for years by that point and this was just a natural progression into marriage, there was at the end a couple's prayer. We were to ask the Holy Spirit for what we thought we needed most in the years to come together.

Mike and I asked for wisdom.

Tonight begins the great O Antiphons, ending on Christmas Eve. Each evening has an antiphon that is one of Christ's titles from the old testament. Tonight is Wisdom, the Word of God. The antiphons are arranged precisely, culminating with O Emmanuel. Monks have been praying these since the middle ages. And now here I am praying them as well.

Wisdom. Mike and I have needed wisdom, surely. I have continued my prayer for wisdom throughout our married life together, and 8 years ago this culminated in the birth of our first daughter, Sophia. Every time I say her name, whether as a good night kiss or in exasperation as she interrupts for the 95th time in a half hour, I pray again for wisdom.

O Sophia, Wisdom, we long for your prudent ways. Dwell in our hearts and guide us on the happy path to you. Let our hands do your work and our minds be governed by your words. Amen.