Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drinking at Christmas

Last night I went to mah jongg at Trisha's house. It was our final secret santa exchange--10 women on the block participate, and all the kids do as well in a separate name draw. I love this. I love that what started as four of us sitting down and learning how to play mah jongg because Mike thought I needed to stop being shy and make some more women friends has turned into a community of good friends and overlapping Venn diagrams and rich relationships. Stories get layered on top of each other. Laughter and shared tears and intertwining each other into lives forever.

Katie brought this ice cream and brandy and chocolate liquor concoction. She apologized as she brought the pitcher in: "I didn't know if you all would drink on a Monday." Katie is new. We all laughed, but at ourselves, not her. And we passed it around.

Red wine, white wine. I had two pomegranate vodka martinis. At one point Janine turned to me and said, "when did you start drinking again?" And I realized I hadn't in a long time, besides a single glass of wine here and there.

"It's Christmas," I shrugged, and then that felt like the most alcoholic reason to drink in the whole book. But that's not how I meant it, and I say that as a member of a family of alcoholics. What I meant was that it was Christmas, it was a moment to celebrate and gather and be merry. It is time to drink fun fattening things or slurries made with pints of sugar. Amanda mentioned the intense boozy song "We need a little Christmas" and that's exactly it. Sometimes you need a little cheer.

I know many people drink at Christmas to drown sorrows or as an excuse because really they're drinking all the time anyway. I remember hushed conversations at my dad's parents' house as a child--I don't recall which uncle was drunk or what the issue was, but I remember the tension. I'm careful not to produce similar memories for my own kids. But at an adult gathering with mah jongg and faux lamentations about how busy we are this week--something just calls for it. It isn't necessary but it can be a part of celebrating a special time of year.

I need to check my list. A trip to Randall's may be in order (the best liquor store in town and it's moments away from my house). Something tells me those Christmas cookies would go well with something there.