Saturday, December 26, 2009

Final Thoughts on Advent

It's Saturday the 26th. Boxing Day. I'm at my mother-in-law's house and I got to sleep in. It's Christmas Part IV, I think, at this point here. More aunts are here, there's more casseroles in the oven, and I'm about to make the transition from coffee to wine.

I should write daily meditations for myself, if for no one else, always. I felt, for the first time in a long time, really connected to the season. I had to pay attention because I had this blog poking at my brain every evening. I had to read something--either a prophecy or daily reading or O Antiphon--every day so I could roll it around in my mind and think of something to say. I don't know, though, if I could keep up this pace. It's about to be ordinary time again and maybe I'll think about it before Lent gets here. Another season of preparation.

I've often said, somewhat flippantly, that my faith life would be a lot easier if I weren't an OblSB and instead was an OSB. If I spent every day in the monastery, if it were in my face at all times, it would be harder to stray, harder to not pay attention to God. And yes, that's probably so--but as every choice, there are negatives with the positives and I am sure I would find the depths of the negatives with all that time not spent shuttling kids to dance class and school and so forth. My view of the monastery is one of a retreatant and it's always so nice to be a welcomed visitor, wherever you go. But day to day is always different.

The thing is, my faith like would be better if I just paid more attention. It sometimes got away from me (camping with girl scouts) but for the most part I did what I set out to do here. I'm not in my year of searching or novitiate anymore. I'm here and in the long stretch of adulthood in my faith life and in my actual life. It's time to develop a more internal locus of control and take charge.

But for now, for this moment, I need to go fill kids' plates with ham and casseroles and candy apple salad. I need to make the transition from coffee to wine and engage in life here. I hope your Christmas has been lovely. Peace!


Indigo Bunting said...

Bridgett, I have really loved reading this. I just got word that my friend's husband died this morning (he succumbed very quickly to late-diagnosed cancer), and as I try to get myself together to go next door for the next holiday party, I thought the best place I could check in was here. Thank you!

Mariƫtte said...

Thankyou Bridgett! Hope you had a happy Christmas (we did) and wishing you all the best for 2010.